Stick Empire Fan Stories Wiki

It is a glourious day, as The Incredible Mutt is officially finished! Now that this story is done being remastered, here is my new and updated priority list:

  1. Keep updating and cleaning up the wiki
    1. Updating Polls
    2. Making Staff Approved Projects
  2. Finishing GAK16's and Pax Orderia's Stick Empires 2 / Stick Wars 3 Conception
  3. Continuing onA War For Balance - Try to have at least 5 chapters before holding off
  4. Finish The Incredible Mutt: Characters and Locations links
  5. Start The Incredible Mutt: Team Zero - Try to have 5 chapters before moving on
  6. Start Outcast , a story based on Cadenceky, the main antagonist of The Incredible Mutt
  7. Continue withProject Remastered by remaking Blood Brothers and The Silent Night, since they were relaviantly unstarted and waiting for a new story, which will tie into The Incredible Mutt. 

Thanks for reading!

